For a long time struggling with computers, instead guarantee the user knows many secrets of the keyboard keys.
To add insight, in this article will give some combination Info Komputer using the Shift key:
  1. Shift + del: delete files and folders permanently without storing it in the Recycle Bin.
  2. Shift + Ctrl + Q is pressed it will open a page that had been closed (in browser).
  3. Shift + Tab Tab then its back to back, especially when typing in Microsoft Word.
  4. Shift can make the user go into hibernate mode, but the hibernate feature should be enabled first on the power option.
  5. Shift + F3 to make letters uppercase or lowercase or uppercase letters only for that in the beginning when typing a document.
  6. Ctrl + shift + esc can make computers become responding again when the momentary hangs / error.
  7. Shift button also serves to display the menu StickyKeys, which is useful to make it easy to combine two or more buttons. This allows you to run the desired command without push the button before.
  8. Shift is pressed when the boot process: speed up the booting process.
  9. Shift is pressed when plugging in the flash to the computer: to prevent the course of autorun virus on pendrive.
  10. Shift is pressed when opening the file from Windows Explorer: automatically convert the files to be without names.
  11. Shift is pressed when the process of loading an application: loading screen will disappear.
  12. By pressing Shift while clicking the "no" when copying files to a folder and the command appears yes, yes to all, no, cancel, it will automatically run the command no at all.
  13. When the Ubuntu operating system hangs just hold down Ctrl + Shift + prtscreen and press alternate key REISUB, then Ubuntu will reboot by itself.