
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Pengguna BlackBerry Pesimis, Android dan iOS Cenderung Optimis

Disamping pernak-pernik gadget yang semakin banyak saat ini, tentunya kita juga tidak hanya berposisi sebagai seseorang yang konsumtif terhadap perangkat gadget, tapi juga menjadi cerdas dengan beradaptasi bersama teknologi.

Gazelle baru saja melakukan sebuah surveinya selama ajang CES di Las Vegas (10-13/1) kemarin. Gazelle mengatakan, responden yang menggunakan perangkat iPhone menjadi orang-orang yang paling optimis dan pengguna smartphone Blackberry adalah orang-orang yang hidupnya selalu pesimis.

Hasil survei dari Gazelle mengatakan 52% pengguna iPhone dan 58% pengguna iPad selalu optimis mengenai masa depan mereka, sementara itu, Gazeele mengungkapkan pula para 28% pengguna smartphone Android dan 36% pengguna tablet dengan platform Android selalu optimis menatap masa depan. Lalu, 29% pengguna iPhone dan 60% pengguna iPad selalu optimis dan merasa positif terbaik di saat mereka merasa mendapatkan momen yang tidak menentu, dan 31% pengguna smartphone Android beserta 55% pengguna tablet Android selalu optimis dan merasa positif terbaik di saat mereka merasa mendapatkan momen yang tidak menentu.

Hasil yang berbeda justru didapat oleh pengguna Blackberry. 16% pengguna Blackberry seperti terlihat sulit menghadapi hidup mereka, dan jarang sesuai dengan keinginan mereka. Sementara itu 33% dari pengguna Blackberry terlihat sulit mengambil sisi positif dari diri mereka, serta pengguna Blackberry selalu hidup dalam balutan pesimis yang tinggi.

Sebuah survei yang cukup unik dari Gazelle, dalam memainkan psikologis pengguna gadget baik itu smartphone dan tablet dengan mengambil tema platform yang digunakan dengan respondennya. Bagaimana dengan di Indonesia? Apakah Anda pernah mengalami hal yang sama dengan para responden dari Gazelle?
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Friday, January 20, 2012

Situs Megaupload di Tutup oleh AS

Pemerintah Amerika Serikat menutup situs berbagi konten Beberapa pendiri serta karyawan situs tersebut juga dikenai tuduhan pelanggaran hak cipta. Ini adalah perkembangan terbaru dalam perang melawan pembajakan film dan musik.

Kementerian Kehakiman mengumumkan penahanan empat eksekutif perusahaan tersebut pada Kamis malam (Jumat pagi waktu Indonesia) bertepatan dengan debat di Washington mencapai puncak soal pembajakan di dunia maya. Pembuat undang-undang berusaha menyusun peraturan yang menyeimbangkan antara mengurangi jumlah pelaku pembajakan di dunia maya tapi menghindari sensor di internet.

Industri film dan musik ingin Kongres AS menghentikan pembajakan dan pencurian konten. Berbagai perusahaan internet besar seperti Google dan Facebook sudah mengeluhkan bahwa draf undang-undang yang beredar sekarang akan menuju pada sensor.

Salah satu pejabat di Kementerian Kehakiman mengatakan bahwa waktu penahanan petinggi tidak berhubungan dengan debat yang tengah berlangsung di Kongres.

Meski begitu, beberapa pengritik terkeras undang-undang Stop Online Piracy Act atau SOPA dan Protect IP Act (PIPA), langsung menunjukkan oposisi mereka pada penutupan

Peretas menyerang situs-situs publik seperti milik Kementerian Kehakiman, perusahaan rekaman terbesar dunia Universal Music, dan dua kelompok dagang yang mewakili industri film dan musik.

"Pemerintah menutup Megaupload? 15 menit kemudian Anonymous menutup situs pemerintah dan perusahaan rekaman," kata Anonymous lewat Twitter.

Perwakilan dari Kementerian Kehakiman dan Asosiasi Industri Rekaman Amerika menolak berkomentar atas serangan tersebut. Eksekutif di Universal Music juga tak dapat dimintai komentar.

Oleh para jaksa penuntut, kelompok ini disebut "Mega Conspiracy" dituduh terlibat dalam sebuah modus kejahatan yang merugikan pemegang hak cipta sebanyak $500 juta dan memberi keuntungan $175 juta dari berlangganan dan iklan seperti tercantum dalam dokumen tuntutan.

Pengadilan federal di Virginia memerintahkan penutupan 18 domain yang menjadi milik grup tersebut. Lebih jauh lagi, sekitar 20 perintah penggeledahan dikeluarkan di Amerika Serikat dan delapan negara lain, serta sekitar $50 juta dalam bentuk aset disita.

Pendiri perusahaan tersebut, Kim Dotcom alias Kim Schmitz dan Kim Tim Jim Vestor, serta Mathias Ortmann--dituntut. Kepala pemasaran dan penjualan perusahaan tersebut, Finn Batato, kepala pengembangan bisnis Sven Echternach serta beberapa petinggi perusahaan juga dituntut.

Dotcom, Batato, Ortmann, serta satu orang lagi ditangkap di Auckland, Selandia Baru oleh polisi lokal dan akan diekstradisi untuk menghadapi persidangan. Echternach serta dua orang lagi masih dicari.

Dampak SOPA-PIPA di Indonesia

Undang-Undang Anti Pembajakan atau Stop Online Privacy Act (SOPA) dan Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) akan diberlakukan di Amerika Serikat. Tapi gaungnya sampai ke Indonesia dan membuat sebagian orang khawatir. Sebenarnya apa dampak beleid ini bagi pengguna Internet di Indonesia?

Peneliti Senior dari Kemitraan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Indonesia atau lebih dikenal dengan ICT Watch, Donny Budhi Utoyo menuturkan bagi mayoritas pengguna sosial media di Indonesia tidak terlalu kerasa. Tapi bagi yang menggunakan internet sebagai sumber informasi tentu terkena dampak. Soalnya situs-situs seperti wikipedia, wikileaks, atau youtube harus bisa memastikan bahwa tidak mengandung konten yang melanggar hak cipta.

Sekali ketahuan suatu situs mengandung konten yang melanggar hak cipta, maka resikonya akan digugat dan bisa berakhir dengan penutupan hingga pemutusan aliran bisnis. "Niat awal UU ini baik untuk melindungi hak cipta," kata pengajar Cyber Journalism di Universitas Bina Nusantara ini saat dihubungi Kamis 19 Januari 2012. Sayangnya potensi kerusakannya bisa merembet ke mana-mana, lebih dari tujuan awal, perlindungan hak cipta.

Pengaruh yang terasa adalah bagi pengungkap aib (whistleblower). Data-data kejahatan yang dilansir dari suatu situs bisa dituntut dari pemiliknya dengan tuduhan pelanggaran hak cipta. "Ini sudah menganggu kebebasan berekspresi dan mengakses informasi," ujar Donny. Bahkan, ia melanjutkan, untuk server yang berada di Indonesia pun bisa terkena pengaruh jika memuat konten dari Amerika yang berpotensi melanggar hak cipta.

Pemerintah Amerika Serikat bisa meminta pengadilan untuk memblokir akses ke situs Indonesia karena memuat konten yang melanggar hak cipta. Efeknya adalah sumber iklan, pembeli hingga pengunjung dari negara asal Barack Obama ini jadi menurun drastis.
Pendiri situs, Enda Nasution menguraikan bahwa SOPA-PIPA berarti juga banyak pembatasan. "Situs-situs pengumpul data haja lebih lama dengan memverifikasi konten supaya tidak terkena gugatan," ujar dia yang dihubungi terpisah.

Pria berusia 36 tahun ini mengilustrasikan jika peraturan ini berlaku, maka sebelum mengunggah konten di sebuah situs akan banyak sekali tahap verifikasi yang menyatakan bahwa tidak ada unsur pelanggaran hak cipta. Kemudian, Enda menambahkan, pada mesin pencari pun maka akses daya carinya semakin menurun. Karena SOPA-PIPA melarang tautan yang mengandung unsur pelanggaran hak cipta.
"Padahal tidak bisa disangkal, Indonesia banyak pake situs yang berasal dari Amerika Serikat," ungkap lelaki kelahiran Bandung ini.

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Cara Gampang agar Web/Blog memiliki trafik tinggi dan dikunjungi oleh orang lain + dapet duit


Membuat website ato blog sendiri sekarang emang gampang banget, banyak aplikasi gratis atopun berbayar yang sudah memliki basis WYSWYG. Jadi kita tidak perlu pusing pusing dengan coding PHP ato HTML nya … karena cuman beberapa klik sana sini kita udah bisa buat Web sendiri ….

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Monday, January 16, 2012

The HTC Titan – High-End Windows Telephone

The Finnish telephone manufacturer Nokia has invested a good deal in marketing and advertising the Lumia 800. This really is the very first handset from the Finnish firm that ships running the Windows Telephone platform. The telephone sports a three.7 inch AMOLED display. It really is pre-installed with version 7.five (Mango). This can be the most recent version from the platform. Lastly, it comes packed using a 1.four GHz single-core processor. Judging from these specs, it’s a mid-ranged handset. This signifies that the telephone may perhaps not be for you if you are on the lookout for a high-end smartphone. If this really is the case, the Taiwanese telephone manufacturer may possibly have what you’re in search of. They’ve launched the Titan.

This handset is arguably the very best Windows-based smartphone inside the marketplace. It can be pre-installed using the Mango version with the platform. This can be presently the most recent version Microsoft has to present. In terms of processing power, the telephone won’t disappoint. It comes packed using a 1.five GHz single-core processor. This makes the handset by far the most effective in its class. In the event you believed this was all of the handset had to give, feel once again. It also comes using the greatest display in its class. The telephone sports a four.7 inch S-LCD capacitive touch screen.

Windows Phones aren’t recognized for providing films on the go like iTunes on Apple devices. This can be exactly where the HTC Titan is distinctive. It’ll grant you access to HTC Watch. This can be a movie streaming service exclusive to devices produced by the Taiwanese firm. Using the phone’s huge four.7 inch display, you happen to be positive to delight in films much more.

Films aren’t the only types of entertainment the handset has to offer you. It is going to also provide you with access to Zune. This can provide you with access to millions of tracks created by your preferred artist. It’ll also permit you to discover new music.

Apart from films and music, the HTC Titan will also offer you access to Xbox Reside. This may permit you to download several games directly on the smartphone. Using a large-screen display, you’re positive to get pleasure from much more from mobile gaming.

In regards to high-end Windows Phones, this handset delivers the ideal capabilities mobile technologies has to provide. It delivers many types of entertainment. It makes it possible for users to take pleasure in form an enhanced net expertise. Lastly, it comes with hardware that can satisfy your require for unsurpassed efficiency. If you are trying to find a high-end Windows Telephone, the HTC Titan would be the handset you may have been trying to find.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tips to Buy a Laptop Online

The internet has made shopping simpler than ever before. From the comforts of your home, you can literally let your fingers do the walking. Another added benefit is the ability to quickly compare prices between vendors to ensure you're getting the best deals possible.

When choosing a laptop computer to purchase online, the first order of business is to determine what category of laptop you need based on what you'll be using it for:

Frequent business travel
If your portable computer will be your constant companion as you travel for work, weight and size will likely be your major criteria. The size of the screen is also important since most confined Economy seats on airplanes do not allow even standard 15 inch screens to fully open. Battery life needs to be above normal as well. Finally, reliability and past performance is important.

With the above in mind, look for a laptop with a 13 inch monitor and around five to six pounds. Battery life should be around 3 to 4 hours. Dell and IBM are notable vendors with strong reputations among the business community.

Home desktop replacementHome desktop replacement laptops are meant to do almost everything a powerful desktop computer can do, which means these classes of laptops are generally big and heavy. They are likely going to spend more time on a desk than in a bag. With home desktop replacements, a large bright screen is important to watch movies, videos and pictures. Light computer gaming is needed, so a decent video card is important. Make sure to load up on the RAM and hard drive. Battery life doesn't matter as much since it will usually be plugged in.

Look for laptops with bright 17 inch monitors, a video card with at least 512MB of dedicated RAM, and 3 to 4 GB of system RAM. HP and Gateway have excellent selections of desktop replacements.

Budget laptop
If price is your main consideration, and you won't be using your laptop for more than internet browsing, email, light office applications and some light multimedia, you'll find plenty of laptops in the $500 to $600 range that fit your needs.

Where to buy
Dell should be your first destination. Their everyday low prices have made them one of the top computer companies in the world.

Other online stores frequently have great deals. Newegg, and Amazon tend to be the most well known.

Web sites of known retailers also have specials on a frequent basis. Best Buy, Fry's Electronics and Walmart all have weekly specials.

For the more adventurous, try eBay or web sites such as eCost. Remember to check the reviews and reputation of the sellers.

Warranty or no warranty?
The rule of thumb in deciding whether or not to purchase an extended warranty is how critical the laptop is to your life. If it's a budget laptop that is the third computer in a home, you may wish to bypass extended warranty. However, if you've spent over $1,500 on a work laptop that is critical to your business, think carefully about purchasing some form of 3 year extended warranty with onsite service.

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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Its 2012 is starting to look like 1984

A mantra of the Internet age, articulated in 1984 by WELL founder Stewart Brand, is that “information wants to be free.” Back then — the days of 360K floppies and 1200 baud modems — Brand was referring to digital technology making information ever easier to distribute, copy, and remix than their old-school analog counterparts. The oft-forgotten corollary Brand offered at the same time was “Information also wants to be expensive,” because particular items, while perhaps of no interest to one person, can be “immeasurably valuable” to someone else.

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Get Off the Lag: How to Make Your PC Run Like New Again

One of the most frustrating things in life is a slow computer.

Every few years, we buy an expensive new PC and love how fast it starts up, runs programs, and loads websites. Inevitably though, it starts to slow down until eventually we are pulling our hair out waiting for it to do routine tasks.

Why is this? It turns out the answer is actually quite simple and you don't even need to be "technical" to understand the causes and solutions.

The good news: It's not the computer hardware that's the problem. In most cases, the hardware you have is perfectly capable of being restored to its original glory and kept in fast running condition with minimal effort.

Rather, the problem lies with changes that occur to the PC's software. The two most common causes of slowdown (along with easy solutions) are:

1. The most common problem: registery errors

Every time you (or your kids) load a program, game, or file, your PC's software registery is updated with new instructions needed to operate that item. However, when the item is removed, these instructions usually remain on your PC. Every time you run your computer it tries to execute these instructions but, because the related program can't be found, it causes a registry error. Your PC is doing a lot more work than it should be and the result is a significantly slower computer.

One of the best ways to manage this is with a neat little tool from, a Silicon Valley based company. It's called ARO 2011 and it scans, identifies, and fixes registry errors--resulting in a computer that's a lot more like it was when you first bought it. On top of the amazing results it offers, it's so easy to install and use that it was recently awarded a coveted 4.5 star rating (out of 5) by CNET's editorial staff and has been downloaded more than 30 million times.

You can now get a free working version of the software which will quickly scan your entire PC and identify all of the registry errors that may be bogging it down. The free version also scans for junk and checks your PC's baseline security status. It will eliminate the first 100 errors for free, and if you have more errors that you want to clean up or want to set the program to run on a regular basis (which is recommended). After that, registry errors will no longer be a problem.

To get the free version simply click here.

2. Spyware and viruses
Spyware and viruses are software programs that are loaded on your computer without your knowledge or permission. They have various purposes, including:
  • Changing the default search engine in your browser.
  • Tracking your Web surfing habits and showing you targeted advertising.
  • Using your email program to send out spam to other email addresses.
  • Stealing your personal information.

Most spyware and viruses get onto our computers through files that we download from the Internet or as attachments to emails. They tend to take up a lot of computing power and, as a result, will significantly slow down your computer.
The simple rule of thumb to follow is to never download any free software programs from companies you do not know and trust, especially screensavers, emoticons, and the like. In addition, you should never open any attachment to an email unless you are 100 percent certain you know and trust the sender. In addition, make sure you have a good anti-virus/spyware removal software running at all times.
Follow the above advice and your PC should stay fast and safe.

To get the free version simply click here.

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